For our final project for the Elements of Natural and Built Environment (ENBE) module, which is the Built Environment part, the students were given a project entitled ― Better Cities of the Future. In this final project, everyone had to form a group for 4-5 and our tasks were to investigate about a past, present and future city. With the information collected, we are required to propose a future city which focuses on various needs as well as its sustainability and liveability. Project Scope
Group component: Future City Model and 2-3 A2 Presentation Boards
Individual component: An A4 Future City Proposal and a 3-Minute Video Presentation
Group Members
1. Bridget Tan
2. Claudwie Tan
3. Tan Zhao Ming
4. William Goh
Firstly, we were required to prepare our individual component. After that, our own tutor will pick the most suitable proposal to be each group's finalised future city so that we could start the progress of our group component. So in my group, Bridget's proposal was chosen and my group started to carry out discussions on our future city model. We had actually changed the scale of the city and some zoning parts of her city in order to make the layout of our future city more logical than that in the proposal.
Individual Component:
1. Future City Proposal - Al Coperto
2. Future City Video Presentation
Group Component:
1. Future City Model - 1 SEA TY
The progress:
Cutting perspex for the base of our model.
Top view of our model with labels of zones.
From this assignment, I've learnt a lot. I gained quite a fair bit of knowledge about the past, present and future cities regarding the layout, sustainability and walkability of the cities. Through various research from viewing lots of websites, I managed to acquire some basic knowledge about sustainable cities, as well as how the zoning of the city is formed. This project was really an eye-opener to me because it was one of the few projects where we had to rush to complete due to the closeness of the rest of the final submissions as well as the difficulty in booking the CODA Gallery. In my opinion, it is important to be able to think fast and solve problems in a smarter way in order to finish the project in time.
Thinking and problem solving skills
Communication skills
Interpersonal skills
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